Sankalpa 2022- Mains Answer Writing

Sankalpa Mains Answer Writing

Sankalpa- Mains Answer Writing is based on the concept of the Compounding effect. The compound effect is the strategy of reaping huge rewards from small, seemingly insignificant actions. Writing 3 answers daily may seem a very small task. But in the long run, it will drastically improve your answer quality and help in clearing the IAS Mains exam.

Features of program

  • Daily 3 questions based on predefined plan
  • 12 sectional General Studies half-length tests and 5 sectional essay tests
  • 5 Full-length tests
  • Time-bound copy evaluation 
  • Cover the Essay and General Studies Syllabus within 13 weeks
  • One on one session with mentors 
  • Evaluation by a well-experienced team 
  • Well experienced mentors for doubt clearance and guidance 
  • Approach answers for revision 
  • Answer enriching tips, keywords, examples, case studies, statistics
  • Answes can be submitted till Mains, 2022 

Why this program?

UPSC is reducing the number of days between Prelims and Mains. For IAS Mains you have to prepare for 7 papers and the syllabus is vast. If you are not well prepared for IAS Mains before attempting prelims, your chances to clear IAS Mains are very less. So, do not waste your precious time. With this program, you can cover the Essay and General Studies Syllabus within 13 weeks.

Only reading books and notes is not enough to score good marks in the IAS mains exam. Following are the main dimensions of High Scoring Answer–

  • Context
  • Structuring
  • Presentation
  • Introduction
  • Conclusion
  • Language Skills
  • Handwriting
  • Content

Most coaching institutions and students invest the majority of their time in developing Content i.e. reading more and more books, notes, PDFs. So, other dimensions remain neglected. With a daily answer writing program, we will help you to develop all dimensions.

How it will work?

  • Students will receive 3 Questions based on the sub-topic of the day at 11 AM daily. 
  • Then, students can attempt those questions on a plain A4 size sheet of paper with margins on both sides or you can use the QcA booklet provided by us.
  • After attempting questions, students should scan it as a PDF and send this to us on telegram. 
  • Answers will be evaluated within 24 hours after you submit the answer.
  • Copies are evaluated by our well-experienced team members, who earlier appeared in CSE interviews.
  • If you have any difficulty in answer writing, you can talk to mentors anytime.

Students can either pay complete fees i.e. ₹8000/- for complete course or monthly fees of  ₹ 3000/ month only. 

Enrollment link- (For complete course)

Enrollment link- (For Monthly payment)



Week 1

Topic- Ethics (Part I)

Date of Test Subtopics
03/01/2022 Essence of Ethics, Determinants and Consequences of Ethics in Human Interaction; Dimensions of Ethics; Ethics in private and public relationships
04/01/2022 Human Values – lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers and administrators; Role of family, society and educational institutions in inculcating moral and ethical values
05/01/2022 Content, structure and function of attitude; Influence of attitude in thought and behaviour; Relation of attitude to thought and behaviour; Moral and Political attitudes; Social influence and persuasion
06/01/2022 Aptitude and foundational values of Civil Service; Integrity; Impartiality and non-partisanship, Objectivity; Dedication to public service; Empathy, tolerance and compassion towards the weaker sections of the society
07/01/2022 Concepts of emotional intelligence; Utility and application of emotional intelligence in administration and governance; Contributions of moral thinkers and philosophers from India and the world to the concepts of morality
08/01/2022 No Test
09/01/2022 Ethics (Part I) Sectional Test 

Week 2

Topic- Ethics (Part II)

Date of Test Sub topics
10/01/2022 Public/Civil Service Values and Ethics in Public Administration- Status and associated problems; Ethical concerns and dilemmas in government and private institutions
11/01/2022 Laws, rules, regulations and conscience as sources of ethical guidance; Accountability and ethical governance; Strengthening of ethical and moral values in governance
12/01/2022 Ethical Issues in international relations and funding; Corporate governance; Concept of public service; The philosophical basis of governance and probity
13/01/2022 Information sharing and transparency in government; Right to Information; Codes of ethics; Codes of Conduct; Citizen’s Charters; Work culture
14/01/2022 Quality of service delivery; Utilization of public funds; Challenges of corruption
15/01/2022 Essay Sectional Test I (ThemeGender issues, Growth vs. Development, Inclusive growth)
16/01/2022 Ethics (Part II) Sectional Test 

Week 3

Topic – Indian Culture & Modern Indian History

Date of Test Subtopics
17/01/2022 Salient aspects of Art Forms; Literature from ancient to modern times
18/01/2022 Architecture from ancient to modern times
19/01/2022 Significant events, issues, personalities during the middle of the eighteenth century (1750s) until the present.
20/01/2022 Different stages and important contributors and contributions from various parts of the country in ‘The Freedom Struggle’.
21/01/2022 Different stages and important contributors and contributions from various parts of the country in ‘The Freedom Struggle’.
22/01/2022 No Test 
23/01/2022 Indian Culture & Modern Indian History Sectional Test

Week 4

Topic – Post-Independence India & World History

Date of Test Subtopics
24/01/2022 Post-independence consolidation and reorganisation within the country.
25/01/2022 Post-independence consolidation and reorganisation within the country.
26/01/2022 world wars, industrial revolution
27/01/2022 colonisation, redrawal of national boundaries, decolonisation, political philosophies like communism, capitalism, socialism, etc
28/01/2022 No Test
29/01/2022 Essay Sectional Test II (ThemeHuman Capital: Health & Education, Poverty and Social Justice, Skill Development, Unemployment)
30/01/2022 Post Independence India & World History Sectional Test

Week 5

Topic – Society

Date of Test Subtopics
31/01/2022 Indian society and diversity – Salient aspects; Role of women and women’s organisations
01/02/2022 population and associated issues, poverty and developmental issues
02/02/2022 urbanisation, their problems and remedies
03/02/2022 Social empowerment, communalism, regionalism & secularism
04/02/2022 Effects of globalisation on Indian society
05/02/2022 No Test
06/02/2022 Society Sectional Test

Week 6

Topic – Geography, Environment & Disaster Management

Date of Test Subtopics
07/02/2022 Distribution of key natural resources across the world including South Asia and the Indian sub-continent; Factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries in various parts of the world including India
08/02/2022 Important Geophysical phenomena such as earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanic activity, cyclones etc.
09/02/2022 Geographical features and their location, changes in critical geographical features (including water-bodies and polar ice caps) and, in flora and fauna and the effects of such changes; Salient features of world’s physical geography
10/02/2022 Conservation; Environmental pollution and degradation ; Environmental impact assessment
11/02/2022 Disaster Management 
12/02/2022 Essay Sectional Test III (ThemeDemocracy, Administration, Corruption, Judiciary, Federalism, Decentralization, Panchayati raj)
13/02/2022 Geography, Environment & Disaster Management Sectional Test 

Week 7

Topic – Polity 

Date of Test Subtopics
14/02/2022 Indian Constitution – historical underpinnings, evolution, features; Amendments, significant provisions, basic structure doctrine
15/02/2022 Comparison of the Indian constitutional scheme with that of other countries; Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States; Issues and challenges pertaining to the federal structure
16/02/2022 Devolution of powers and finances up to local levels and challenges therein; Separation of powers between various organs, dispute redressal mechanisms and institutions; Structure, organisation and functioning of the Executive and the Judiciary
17/02/2022 Parliament and State Legislatures- structure, functioning, conduct of business, powers & privileges and issues arising out of these; Ministries and Departments of the Government; pressure groups and formal/informal associations and their role in the Polity; Salient features of the Representation of People’s Act
18/02/2022 Appointment to various Constitutional posts, powers, functions and responsibilities of various Constitutional Bodies; Statutory, regulatory and various quasi-judicial bodies.
19/02/2022 No Test
20/02/2022 Polity Sectional Test 

Week 8

Topic – Social Justice & Governance

Date of Test Subtopics
21/02/2022 Government policies and interventions aimed at development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation; Development processes and the development industry – the role of NGOs, SHGs, various groups and associations, institutional and other stakeholders
22/02/2022 Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and the States and the performance of these schemes; mechanisms, laws, institutions and Bodies constituted for the protection and betterment of these vulnerable sections
23/02/2022 Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources; Issues relating to Poverty and Hunger.
24/02/2022 Important aspects of governance, transparency and accountability; e-governance- applications, models, successes, limitations, and potential
25/02/2022 citizens charters, transparency & accountability and institutional and other measures; Role of civil services in a democracy
26/02/2022 Essay Sectional Test IV (ThemeClimate Change, Environment vs Development Debate, Sustainable development, Agriculture, Food Security)
27/02/2022 Social Justice & Governance Sectional Test

Week 9

Topic – International Relations & Security

Date of Test Subtopics
28/02/2022 India and its neighborhood – International relations
01/03/2022 Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting the Indian interests
02/03/2022 Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests, Indian diaspora; Important International institutions, agencies, their structure and mandates
03/03/2022 Challenges to internal security (external state and non-state actors); Linkages between development and spread of extremism; Challenges to internal security through communication networks, the role of media and social networking sites in internal security challenges
04/03/2022 Basics of cyber security; money-laundering and its prevention; Security challenges and their management in border areas; linkages of organized crime with terrorism; Various Security forces and agencies and their mandates
05/03/2022 No Test
06/03/2022 International Relations & Security Sectional Test

Week 10

Topic – Economics 

Date of Test Subtopics
07/03/2022 Indian Economy and issues relating to planning; mobilization of resources
08/03/2022 Growth, development; employment
09/03/2022 Government Budgeting; Inclusive growth and associated issues/challenges
10/03/2022 Effects of liberalisation on the economy (post-1991 changes); changes in industrial policy and their effects on industrial growth
11/03/2022 Infrastructure; Investment models
12/03/2022 Essay Sectional Test V (ThemeScience and technology- Al, Nanotechnology, Cybersecurity, Industrial Revolution 4.0, International relations and Internal Security)
13/03/2022 Economics Sectional Test

Week 11

Topic- Agriculture 

Date of Test Subtopics
14/03/2022 Major cropping patterns in various parts of the country; different types of irrigation and irrigation systems.
15/03/2022 storage, transport, and marketing of agricultural produce and issues and related constraints; e-technology in the aid of farmers.
16/03/2022 Economics of animal rearing; Food processing and related industries in India – scope and significance, location, upstream and downstream requirements; Supply chain management
17/03/2022 Issues related to direct and indirect farm subsidies and minimum support prices; Public Distribution System objectives, functioning, limitations, revamping.
18/03/2022 Issues of buffer stocks and food security; Technology missions; Land reforms in India
19/03/2022 No Test
20/03/2022 Agriculture & Science Sectional Test

Week 12

Topic- Science

Date of Test Subtopics
21/03/2022 Science and technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday life.
22/03/2022 Achievements of Indians in science & technology; indigenization of technology and developing new technology.
23/03/2022 Awareness in the fields of IT, Space, Computers, robotics
24/03/2022 Awareness in the fields of nanotechnology, biotechnology; Issues relating to intellectual property rights
25/03/2022 No Test
26/03/2022 No Test
27/03/2022 Science Sectional Test

Week 13

Topic- Mock Test

Date of Test Subtopics
01/04/2022 Essay
02/04/2022 General Studies I
02/04/2022 General Studies II
03/04/2022 General Studies III
03/04/2022 General Studies IV

Testimonials- What our Students Say

Pankaj Meena

I found UPSC super simplified on telegram during normal searching for CSE preparation in 2022. After joining the daily answer writing I can surely say that daily 3 question and a weekly sectional half length test is helping the daily improvement in writing skills. It made consistency in writing. The unique feature of super simplified is the time bound answer evaluation within 24 hours. It helps in improvement in the next day answer writing. Gaurav sir is easily accessible over the telephone for mentoring and motivation. If anybody is serious for preparation and want to improve writing skills, should definitely join the daily answer writing programme.



Manoj Kharde, Assistant Commandant


I came in contact with Dr Gaurav Sir , who is part of UPSC Super Simplified, after my mains examination of 2020. I had done very badly in my mains, so I needed personal mentor who could help me to improve my answer writing speed, structure and overall marks in GS. Dr Gaurav Sir provided me support for all of this. He probably works with Japanese technique called KAI ZEN which is about gradual improvement on daily basis. Although I started with only 2 Questions daily. It helped me to complete my syllabus and remove fear of answer writing completely.

Last but not the least Dr Gaurav Sir provides personal support for all u r doubts and he even calls u when u failed to do answer writing. I am not aware of such hand holding in big gaint classes.

Thank and Regards ,

Manoj Bhanudas Kharde,

Assistant Commandant CAPF 2019.

Mayank Kumar, University of Delhi 

Hello there, I have been part of UPSC Super Simplified from last 6–8 months and If possible ,I will try to continue my course subscription in future also .Why to choose — daily mains questions( each day almost two sometimes three) and the copy correction in 24 hours, Copy correction by the person who has cleared atleast 2 mains , So you can think the quality of copy correction also weekly test regarding Gs portions and Essay test and ethics and it’s case study etc, and covering the g’s portions with current affairs are much beneficial for me, And the guidance by faculty is really great , and last but not the least the subscription amount is affordable ,I will suggest you to go for it.

Anshul Sao

I am a student of upsc super simplified and I have felt that it is one of the most worthy institutes which provide high quality guidance and mentorship for the UPSC aspirants and that too in a very affordable price.

The online answer writting gives an opportunity to the aspirants who belong to far off places and remote areas or those who are working professionals,who can’t come to Delhi for any reason to ace their preparation from the comforts of their home.

Moreover the one to one personal assistance which I get from Gaurav sir is you want to go for answer writings practice then you can surely rely on upsc super simplified.

Sushmita Bagal

I am part of daily answer writing practice of UPSC super simplified group it’s name says it all… Dr. Gaurav sir is the best mentor he promised for answer writing practice like 24 hrs evaluation 2 questions daily at 9 am sharp and give model answers also which is d best part The fees is minimal and the quality is not compromised if u don’t wish to pay full u can pay in instalments too monthly if u put a query on his channel he will respond very positively, calls himself when u need and explains everything to u in a very simple way. For this exam consistency, discipline and daily targets are important and u will find everything here I feel motivated every time to write answers as he also puts the best answer in the group I wanted to be in that position too daily answer writing practice made me so comfortable in writing. Thanks to Dr. Gaurav sir

Terms & Conditions

  • Fees once paid are non-refundable and non-transferable in all circumstances.
  • UPSC Super Simplified reserves all rights related to admission.
  • UPSC Super Simplified reserves all rights to make any changes in the test series schedule if the need arises.


  • UPSC Super Simplified material is for the individual only. In case a student is found involved in any violation of copyrights of UPSC Super Simplified material, the admission to the module will be canceled.
  • Aspirants can reschedule the test date based on their plan. (POSTPONE, BUT NOT PREPONE)
  • Sectional Tests will be half-length tests. (125 marks & 90 minutes duration)
  • Daily Answers will be evaluated within 24 hours after you submit the answer. Sectional (Half Length Tests) will be evaluated within 4 days and Full-length tests within a week after copy submission.