Group of Seven (G7)
●The G7 is an intergovernmental organization made up of the world’s largest developed economies.
●Its members are France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, & Canada. ●Government leaders of these countries meet periodically to address international economic and monetary issues.
●The G-7 was formerly referred to as the G-8 until Russia was suspended from the group in 2014 after illegally annexing Crimea.

Adjusted Revenue(AGR)
●Telecom operators are required to pay licence fee & spectrum charges in the form of ‘revenue share’ to the Centre.
●The revenue amount used to calculate this revenue share is termed as the AGR.
● According to the Dept of Telecommunications, the calculations should incorporate all revenues earned by a telecom company – including from non-telecom sources such as deposit interests and sale of assets. ●The companies, however, have been of the view that AGR should comprise the revenues generated from telecom services only and non-telecom revenues should be kept out of it.

Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF)
●Refuse derived fuel (RDF) is produced from domestic & business waste, which includes biodegradable material as well as plastics.
●Non-combustible materials such as glass and metals are removed, and the residual material is then shredded. ●Refuse derived fuel is used to generate energy at recovery facilities, where they produce electricity & hot water for communal heating systems.
●RDF helps to divert waste away from landfill.
●Materials such as non-recyclable plastic, which would sit in landfill sites for hundreds of years, can instead used in a helpful way to generate renewable heat and power.

Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF)
●Solid recovered fuel (SRF) is a high-quality alternative to fossil fuel and is produced from mainly commercial waste including paper, card, wood, textiles & plastic.
●Solid recovered fuel has gone through additional processing to improve the quality & value.
●It has a higher calorific value than RDF and is used in facilities such as cement kilns.

Geo Transfer Orbit (GTO)
●A geosynchronous transfer orbit or geostationary transfer orbit is a type of geocentric orbit.
●Satellites which are destined for geosynchronous or geostationary orbit are always put into a GTO as an intermediate step for reaching their final orbit.
● A GTO is highly elliptic.

Conservation Status/Protection
●Himalayan Serrow was previously assessed as ‘near threatened’.
●It is now been categorised as ‘vulnerable’ in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
●Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 : Schedule I , which provides absolute protection.
●CITES: Appendix I

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