One Nation One Ration Card’ (ONORC) scheme enables migrant workers and their families to access the Public Distribution System (PDS) and benefits from any fair price shops across the country. Comment

The One Nation One Ration Card (ONORC) program is a national ration card that allows migrant workers and their families to obtain PDS benefits from any fair price shops located throughout the nation. The ONORC scheme links migrant workers’ ration cards to Aadhaar. This allows workers to receive ration benefits from any FPS in the … Read more

(JKPSC) India is the fifth largest economy in the World. What are the drivers and way ahead?

Recent years have seen significant growth and transformation in India. Various factors and projections affect India’s ability to remain the fifth-largest economy in the world.  India’s economic growth drivers: Domestic consumption: Domestic consumption accounts for 55-60% of India’s economy and drives its growth. Second, India is a major player in global offshoring, providing skilled workers … Read more

(JKPSC) Elaborate the role of digitization of Indian Economy through apps like UPI, Bhim, G pay ete in consolidation and growth of Indian economy.

Integrating digital technologies into various sectors of the Indian economy improves efficiency, transparency, and quality. Digital payment apps like UPI, Bhim, G Pay, etc. have helped condense and grow the Indian economy. Here are some ways digitization has affected India’s economy: Digital payment apps have made transactions faster and more convenient, reducing cash and checks. … Read more

Explain the causes, consequences and solutions to depreciation of Indian rupee in recent times.

The rupee’s depreciation is the decline in its value in comparison to one or more foreign reference currencies. The Indian rupee has fallen in value recently for a number of reasons. The causes, effects, and remedies for the depreciation of the Indian rupee are as follows: Indian rupee depreciation factors include: – High import costs … Read more

(JKPSC) What do you understand by “net neutrality”? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of regulating net neutrality in India.

The term “net neutrality” refers to the idea that all internet traffic should be handled equally, without any preference or discrimination being given to particular websites or types of content. For many years, net neutrality has been a contentious issue in India. While some contend that regulation is necessary to guarantee an open and fair … Read more

Explaining the problems faced by the sugar industry in India, account for the measures taken by the government to support it.

The Indian sugar industry supports food security, employment, and foreign exchange earnings. India produces the second-most sugar after Brazil. India produced 35 million tonnes of sugar in 2021-22, 20% more than demand. The Indian sugar industry faces many problems, including: Surplus production: India produces the second-most sugar after Brazil. India produced 35 million tonnes of … Read more

Explain cloud seeding and its associated forms, structure and environmental concerns associated with it.

The scientific process of cloud seeding alters cloud structure to increase precipitation. It involves adding silver iodide or dry ice to clouds to make them rain or snow. Cloud seeding forms and structures: Cloud seeding methods include ground-based cloud seeding, which uses generators or cannons to release cloud-seeding agents into the atmosphere. Drought-stricken areas use … Read more

(JKPSC) What do you understand by seismic noise? Discuss its impact on the seismic activities on earth surface?

Seismic noise refers to the relatively persistent vibration of the ground due to a multitude of causes. Seismic noise is the unwanted or uninterpretable component of seismometer-recorded signals. It is a persistent vibration of the ground that can have both negative and positive effects on seismic activities and related fields. Seismic noise is relevant to … Read more