
(JKPSC) Discuss the multidimensional implications of uneven distribution of mineral resources in the world.

The uneven distribution of mineral resources is complex and far-reaching. These implications must be considered to create sustainable and equitable resource management solutions. Here are some examples of global mineral resource inequality: The Middle East has the most oil reserves, followed by North and South America. Russia has the most natural gas reserves, followed by … Read more

(JKPSC) Differentiate the causes of landslides between Himalayan region and Western Ghats.

Landslides refer to the downhill movement of rock, soil, or debris under the influence of gravity. They can occur due to various causes and can be triggered by natural or human-induced factors. The causes of landslides in the Himalayan region and Western Ghats are different. Causes of landslides in the Himalayan region: Active plate tectonics causing frequent … Read more

(JKPSC) What are some specific examples of Guru Nanak’s teachings that are relevant today.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the founder of Sikhism and the first of the ten Sikh Gurus. He was born in 1469 in the Punjab region of India and Pakistan. Guru Nanak’s spiritual teachings laid the foundation on which Sikhism was formed. Guru Nanak revered all religions’ scriptures. He believed that all religions lead to … Read more

(JKPSC) Discuss the role of Raja Ram Mohan Roy in the socio-religious awakening of 19th century India.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy was a Bengali polymath, social reformer, thinker, writer, multilingual scholar, and Bengal Renaissance pioneer. The father of modern India. In 1772, a Bengali Brahmin family in Radhanagar, Hooghly, gave birth to Roy. He studied Sanskrit, Persian, and English. Reading John Locke, Voltaire, and David Hume exposed him to Western philosophy. Roy … Read more

(JKPSC) Discuss the salient features of stupa architecture.

Stupas are Buddhist memorial structures that typically contain sacramental artifacts connected to the Buddha or other holy figures. The stupa architecture is distinctive and has a few key characteristics, which are discussed below: Hemispherical shape: The stupa’s hemispherical form is thought to have been inspired by pre-Buddhist Indian burial mounds. The form stands for both … Read more