Q.) During the pandemic, our attention and resources are diverted away from noncommunicable diseases (NCD). In this context, discuss the main reasons behind growing NCDs in India and analyse how India can handle this challenge. (15 mark) (250 words)

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular illnesses, chronic respiratory diseases, and cancer cause about 70% of global fatalities. Cardiovascular illnesses cause one in every four fatalities, especially among the young. India is the world’s diabetes capital, with over 10% of persons over 40 having diabetes.

What interruptions has the pandemic caused?

  • Disruption of primary health care, maternal healthcare, immunisation, health surveillance, NCD screening and management.
  • Medicines, diagnostics, and technology shortage
  • Re-assignment of NCD employees
  • Anxiety and depression are mental health conditions caused by limited physical contact.

Main reasons

Noncommunicable diseases are caused by a mix of genetic, physiological, environmental, and behavioural factors. NCD risk factors include age, poor diet, lack of exercise, high blood pressure, high sugar, high cholesterol, and being overweight.

Steps taken

  • Setting up the National Programme for the Prevention and Control of Cancer (NPCDCS) to raise awareness of risk factors, establish cardiac care facilities, and conduct primary health care screening.
  • Integration of NPCDCS, NHM, and AYUSH
  • Use of apps like mDiabetes for diabetic management, mCessation for cigarette cessation, and no more tension for mental stress management.
  • India is the first country to implement the WHO Global Action Plan for NCD Prevention and Control 2013-2020.
  • The National Action Plan of India intends to reduce NCD-related premature mortality by 25% by 2025.
  • The SDGs 2015 aim to cut NCD mortality by a third by 2030.

Way forward

  • National COVID-19 readiness and response plans must incorporate tobacco cessation.
  • Telemedicine needs to be pushed.
  • Policymakers must give NCDs equal weight.
  • NGOs can be used for advocacy, medical care, etc.
  • ASHA personnel might be rewarded for increasing NCD screening.
  • Prioritise physical and mental wellness.
  • Improved primary health care system

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