Can Civil Society and Non-Governmental Organizations present an alternative model of public service delivery to benefit the common citizen. Discuss the challenges of this alternative model. 2021

Can Civil Society and Non-Governmental Organizations present an alternative model of public service delivery to benefit the common citizen. Discuss the challenges of this alternative model. 2021 Answer Civil society is a term used to refer to the sector of society that is made up of individuals and organizations that are independent of the government. … Read more

“Though women in post-Independent India have excelled in various fields, the social attitude towards women and feminist movement has been patriarchal.” Apart from women education and women empowerment schemes, what interventions can help change this milieu?

Post-independence India’s socio-economic and political circumstances have affected women’s status. This change was caused by government measures and women-led movements. Kalpana Chawla, Sindhutai Sapkal, and Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw represent varied social work and professional disciplines. Sabrimala and Triple Talaq show how entrenched patriarchy is in society. Education and government programs aren’t enough. Interventions like: – Urbanization … Read more

Q.) During the pandemic, our attention and resources are diverted away from noncommunicable diseases (NCD). In this context, discuss the main reasons behind growing NCDs in India and analyse how India can handle this challenge. (15 mark) (250 words)

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular illnesses, chronic respiratory diseases, and cancer cause about 70% of global fatalities. Cardiovascular illnesses cause one in every four fatalities, especially among the young. India is the world’s diabetes capital, with over 10% of persons over 40 having diabetes. What interruptions has the pandemic caused? Disruption of primary … Read more

Q.) Explain how the new education policy tries to address the issues facing India’s higher education system. (10mark) (150 words)

The number of universities and colleges in India has increased, but the country’s performance on several higher education indexes has not. Issues confronting India’s higher education system: Lack of industry-academic collaboration and outdated curriculum that emphasises theory over practice. Access is constrained in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas due to uneven geographical distribution of Higher Education Institutions … Read more

Q.10) Poverty is still the biggest challenge for good governance in India still today. Evaluate how far successive governments have progressed in dealing with this humongous problem. Suggest measures for improvement. (15 mark) (250 words)

The Indian economy is booming. Despite this, poverty in India is very high. According to 2011 government data, 65 million Indians live in places lacking basic amenities, putting them at danger of diseases and hunger, both of which can be fatal. Progress of successive governments in Poverty alleviation: Poverty reduction: Between 2006 and 2016, India … Read more

Q.) “India has committed to eliminating malnutrition by 2022. However, due to a variety of factors, this plan appears to be unrealistic.” Comment. (10mark) (150 words)

India has pledged to make the country malnutrition free by 2022. The National Nutrition Mission, National Nutrition Strategy, Mid-Day Meal Scheme, ICDS, PDS, NFSA, RKVY, Aspirational District Programme, Eat Right Movement, etc., have all been launched to achieve this goal. While these programmes have improved nutritional status, several national and international studies show that India … Read more

Q.) Despite many laws and the National Commission for Scheduled Castes, Dalits face a variety of challenges. Discuss the need for the NCSC to be strengthened in order to address the challenges that Dalits face in India. (15 mark) (250 words)

The NCSC is a constitutional body formed under Article 338. Its mandate includes monitoring the application of laws against atrocities faced by Dalits, fast and effective resolution of staff concerns, and literacy and educational advancement of Dalits.  However, to effectively carry out its purpose, the NCSC requires strengthening because of following reasons: According to NCRB … Read more

Q.) Enumerate steps taken to prevent and combat -human trafficking. Also, explain why trafficking in person is still not eradicated in India. (10mark) (150 words)

Human trafficking is the trade of humans for forced labour, prostitution, or domestic employment. Human trafficking is caused by violence, child marriages, and fraudulent promises of marriage or work. Trafficking increased 14.3% during the previous year (NCRB). The top five states for child trafficking are West Bengal, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, and Karnataka. Steps taken … Read more