There is a disaster-prone Stale having frequent landslides, forest fires, cloudbursts, flash floods and earthquakes, etc. Some of these are seasonal and often unpredictable. The magnitude of the disaster is always unanticipated. During one of the seasons, a cloudburst caused devastating floods and landslides leading to high casualties. There was major damage to infrastructure like roads, bridges and power generating units. This led to more than 100000 pilgrims, tourists and other locals trapped across different routes and locations. The people trapped in your area of responsibility included senior citizens, patients in hospitals, women and children, hikers, tourists, ruling party’s regional president along with his family, additional chief secretary- of the neighbouring State and prisoners in jail. As a civil services officer of the State, what would be the order in which you would rescue these people and why? Give justifications. (20 marks) (250 words)

Public officials are expected to adhere to nonpartisanship and impartiality values in all aspects of their duties, including the treatment of civilians. As a responsible official, it will be critical to upholding these ideals even when dealing with VIPs.

Course of action

I would follow the broad standards that are established when dealing with crisis management, including the evacuation process. There will be no special treatment for VIPs.

Evacuation procedure

  • My initial objective would be to identify the most vulnerable groups that require immediate aid following the disaster’s occurrence.
  • In this sense, I would first evacuate the hospital patients who are at risk of illness as a result of infrastructure destruction.
  • Then Senior citizens will be evacuated, followed by women and children. Individuals with health issues would be given more consideration.
  • Hikers, and tourists, including the political party president and the additional chief secretary, will be evacuated according to their category. If they are from vulnerable areas, they will be evacuated as soon as possible; otherwise, the same approach would be followed. There will be no extra provisions made because of their status.
  • Inmates in jail may be the last to be evacuated. However, if any of them has a medical condition, he or she will be given priority.

Justifications for my behaviour

  • Patients at the hospital may require quick medical attention, and it is preferable if they are served better by an early departure.
  • According to the convention, the most vulnerable members of society are senior individuals, women, and children. Despite the fact that women believe they are equal to men, they are more equipped to handle children and would be better suited to accompany children during evacuation.
  • Hikers and tourists are not generally given the lowest priority, however the most vulnerable among them may be given precedence among evacuees.
  • In terms of political party presidents, they are not entitled to high priority only on the basis of their political achievements. He will have to wait his turn, as specified in the instructions.
  • The additional chief secretary must also recognise that the public officials in charge are carrying out their duties, and he must work with them to resolve the issue.
  • Prison inmates may be the last priority, but they must not be overlooked at any cost. Throughout the procedure, they are entitled to all human rights.

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