(JKPSC) How cloud bursts occurs? What are its consequences? Suggest measures for the disaster risk reduction and management due to cloud burst. [250 Words] (15)

How cloud bursts occurs? What are its consequences? Suggest measures for the disaster risk reduction and management due to cloud burst. [250 Words] (15)

Cloudbursts occur when a large amount of moisture is concentrated in a small area and released in a short period. 

Several factors can cause this:

  • Orographic lifting: Moist air pushed to rise over mountains cools and condenses, generating rain or snow.
  • Convergence: When two air masses with different temperatures and moisture content converge, the air rises, causing condensation and heavy rainfall.
  • Upper-level disturbances: Troughs and jet streams in the high atmosphere can cause cloud formation and severe rain.

Effects of Cloudbursts

  • Flash flood: Cloudbursts generate flash floods, which have quick water level surges and powerful currents. Flash floods can kill and damage property and infrastructure.
  • Landslides: Landslides can result from cloudburst-induced torrential rainfall. Landslides can bury people and cattle and damage houses, highways, and infrastructure.
  • Mudflow: Mudflows can also result from cloudbursts. Large stones and trees in mudflows can destroy buildings and automobiles more than landslides.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

  • Early warning systems: Early warning systems allow communities to evacuate before cloudbursts.
  • Land-use planning: Avoiding building in cloudburst-prone locations like steep slopes and flood plains can protect property and infrastructure.
  • Conservation of forests: Forests regulate water flow and avoid soil erosion. Protecting forests and planting new trees helps reduce cloudburst damage.
  • Development of infrastructure: Dams, reservoirs, and drainage systems can reduce flash floods and safeguard populations.
  • Community preparedness: Informing communities about cloudburst threats and educating them to respond to emergencies can save lives and property.
  • Emergency reaction plans: Well-developed emergency response plans can help communities respond swiftly and efficiently to cloudbursts.

Communities can increase resilience and lessen cloudburst risk by taking these steps.

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