Q. 50 – The scourge of terrorism is a grave challenge to national security. What solutions do you suggest to curb this growing menace? What are the major sources of terrorist funding? (150 words) 10 marks

Ans. Terrorism, although a global phenomenon but India is one among the countries severely affected by it specially the state-sponsored terrorism. Terrorist elements challenging India’s national security have links and sponsors across borders and get trained & logistics support from there. India is under constant threat from various types of militancy ranging from religious militancy, ethnic separatism to left wing extremism.

Solutions to curb terrorism:

Socio-economic development – The better social and economic development of a nation acts as a better safeguard against the menace of terrorism

Reducing economic disparities and Inclusive growth helps in bringing people from all strata of life to participate in economic development of the country and this desists the opportunist terror group to exploit them in terrorist activities.

Zero tolerance policy against terror group– The terrorism should be dealt with strongly using iron-fist policy. In the past too India overcame the problem of terrorism in Punjab using this policy.

Effective coordination among intelligence and security agencies. An effective and proper coordination is needed between different state and central agencies while dealing with counter-terrorism activities.

Effective border management using high tech surveillance– With effective border management the cross-border terrorism can be effectively blocked especially across the porous border employing high tech equipments like night vision goggles, battlefield surveillance radars etc. through Comprehensive Integrated Border Management System.

Technical surveillance on Internet and social media is a must for prevention of any impending terrorist activities

Major sources of terrorist funding

  • State-sponsored terrorism – Major funding is provided through some of the nations who employ terrorism as part of their foreign policy and support these terror groups in other countries

  • Through illegal activities– Black money generated by Illegal activities like trafficking of illegal drugs and human, smuggling of arms and ammunitions etc, involving hawala transactions Abuse of charitable entities and donations on the name of religious activities.

  • Extortion, ransom and counterfeit currency – Various terrorist organisations use these as means of their funding.

Q.51- Terrorism is emerging as a competitive industry over the last few decades.” Analyse the above statement. (150 words) 10 marks

Ans. Terrorism today has taken form of complex industry mainly due to globalization of world politics. The emergence of terrorism as a competitive Industry is because of its global reach and the increasing competition between different terrorist outfits as they differ in ideology, approach, goal and their penetration into the society.

Terrorism has become a full grown industry. There has been reports of ISIS recruiting professionals from different sectors like finance, IT, chemical, automobile, electronics, and cyber experts. It has also been observed in India that the terrorists captured or killed were professionally qualified. These professionals are attracted to the terrorism because the religious fanatics and the money involved. Competition is also on rise because of rivalry for getting new recruitment, ideological and financial support and building organizational structure.

Competition is also because of different sectors that terror outfits have reached to for example cyber terrorism, narco-terrorism, smuggling, trafficking etc. Recently it was also in news where ISIS were recruiting Engineers to look after the captured Oil-wells and keeping its oil revenues flowing. In a similar case it called for Doctors to take care of the suffering terrorists.

It is no longer a secret that the terrorism is just not based on any belief but more on money and selling their propaganda. Now a day the online propaganda is better suitable and hence it will be of more useful if IT professionals are hired who can also assist the terrorist organisations ranging from hacking to remote surveillance.

Therefore terrorism is no longer an isolated group of religious fanatics operating against the state. These are virtual universities training people in hardcore religious fundamentalism and generating lots of money.

Therefore it is not in the capacity of an individual nation to wipe the scourge of terrorism. It requires a global effort and co-operation among various countries to root out the menace of terrorism which is often disguised as based on religious beliefs but in reality runs on brain-washing and luring them with women, money and much more.

Q. 52- The banning of ‘Jamaat-e-Islami’ in Jammu and Kashmir brought into focus the role of over-ground workers (OGWs) in assisting terrorist organizations. Examine the role played by OGWs in assisting terrorist organizations in insurgency affected areas. Discuss measures to neutralize the influence of OGWs. (15 marks) (250 words)

Ans. People associated with the Jamaat-e-Islami Jammu Kashmir, a registered political party with over eight lakh members, have been on the run since the February 28, 2019 Union home ministry notification declaring it an “unlawful” association under Section 3 of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967. Citing activities “prejudicial to internal security and public order”, with the potential of disrupting unity and integrity”, the ban followed a crackdown on Jamaat members coinciding with growing India Pakistan tensions.

The role played by OGWs in assisting terrorist organizations in insurgency affected areas

To fight the most important tool of terrorism and proxy war, the over-ground workers (OGWs) in Kashmir can be broadly categorised under the following heads :

  • OGWs for Logistic Support (OGWLS) to Strike teams.

  • OGWs managing Funding (OGWF).

  • OGWs providing Ideological Support (OGWIS).

  • OGWs providing Radicalisation Support (OGWRS).

  • OGWs for Recruitment of Terrorists (OGWR).

  • OGWs generating negative Perceptions and Sentiment amongst the Awaam (OGWPS).

Measures to neutralize influence of OGWs

  • Resource control measures including establishing check points, Cordon and Search operations create a sense of alienation in the minds of the populace.

  • The Indian Army is focusing on breaking the Over Ground Worker” (OGW) – Terrorist nexus, as also on the aspect of encouraging surrenders to bring the misg youth to the mainstream. On numerous occasions the parents and close relatives of terrorists seeking assistance in facilitating their surrender have approached the Army.

  • The success of the Counter Proxy War campaign has resulted in a significant downward slide in terrorist morale. A perceptible barometer of terrorist morale is the high number of surrenders of their cadres.

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