National Commission for Women

National Commission for Women


National Commission for Women (NCW) was established in January 1992 under the National Commission for Women Act, 1990. NCW is a statutory body of the Government of India, which is mandated to review the constitutional and legal safeguards for women; recommend remedial legislative measures; facilitate redressal of grievances and advise the Government on all policy matters affecting women. It has the mandate to promote gender equality and protect the rights of women. NCW works in close association with the Central and State Governments, Non-Governmental Organizations, research and academic institutions, and other stakeholders for the promotion of women’s rights.

Achievements of the National Commission for Women

  • The NCW has helped strengthen the implementation of laws pertaining to women’s rights, such as the Domestic Violence Act and the Dowry Prohibition Act.
  • It has provided legal and psychological counseling to victims of violence and sexual harassment.
  • It has monitored and ensured the implementation of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
  • NCW has launched several campaigns and initiatives to spread awareness about women’s rights and gender equality.
  • NCW has set up a complaint cell for women in distress, which provides a 24-hour helpline for women in need of help.
  • NCW has conducted workshops and seminars to educate people about the importance of gender equality and women’s rights.
  • It has provided legal aid and counseling to victims of trafficking.
  • NCW has also taken up various issues concerning the welfare of women such as health, education, employment, etc., and has recommended measures to improve the status of women.

Issues with National Commission for Women

  • The NCW has been criticized for its ineffectiveness and lack of implementation of its recommendations.
  • It has also been criticized for its lack of resources and inadequate staffing.
  • NCW has also been criticized for its failure to tackle issues such as sexual violence, domestic violence, etc.
  • There have been reports of delays in responding to complaints and cases.
  • The NCW has also been criticized for its lack of transparency and accountability.

Way forward

  • The NCW should be provided with adequate resources to enable it to effectively carry out its mandate.
  • It should strengthen its capacity to investigate cases and ensure timely action.
  • NCW should collaborate with other organizations, both governmental and non-governmental, to ensure that its recommendations are implemented.
  • It should increase its outreach and awareness efforts to ensure that women are aware of their rights and the remedies available to them.
  • NCW should also ensure that its recommendations are effectively monitored and implemented.
  • It should also strive to increase its accountability and transparency by making its processes and procedures more open and accessible.




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