[Solved] How will you apply emotional intelligence in administrative practices?

How will you apply emotional intelligence in administrative practices?

Emotional intelligence refers to an individual’s capacity to comprehend and control his or her own and others’ emotions. It is a critical characteristic for professional success. This is because people are hired on the basis of a similar intelligence quotient, which is tested by exam or interview; what separates one person from another is their emotional quotient. For a bureaucrat, EQ is really valuable. He is responsible for a large number of people and is in a position where critical decisions must be made. 

Use of EI in governance

  • Self-awareness: As a bureaucrat, I need to understand the feelings, moods, and motivations of their colleagues and the people at whom the public policy is directed in order to gain a better understanding of the nature of society’s issues and possible solutions.
  • Self-regulation: As an aware bureaucrat, I am able to control my emotions and act appropriately for the greater good of society.
  • Motivation: Understanding my own emotions, passions, and sentiments, as well as those of my peers, can help people stay motivated and persist in difficult situations. This will help optimise organisational advantages and ensure that targets are met on time.
  • Empathy: Having an understanding of others’ concerns enables them to be resolved more quickly and effectively.

Overall EI contributes to the reduction of work-family conflict, the improvement of physical and mental health, and job satisfaction.

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